Sunday, June 10, 2012


 Many a drunken call made from here when it had a phone

 Goodbye my friends

These are pictures from the Bar at The Far Western Tavern/Restaurant. On Monday they are removing the back bar and re locating it to thier new location 12 miles away in Orcutt Ca. I had many firsts in this place. My first real job, I was a busboy for 2+ years in my teens which paid me enough to afford my first car. My first legal drink on my 21st birthday. I proposed to my wife in the restaurant. Many nights in here with my friends, family and my wife having drinks having a good time, tunes on the old and the new jukebox. Getting rides home from the bartenders, making new friends, re aquainting with old ones and some we will never see again.I am really going to miss this place and not just because of the bar, but because this place will always have meaning to me because of the firsts in my life that happened there. We are losing more than just a bar and a restaurant, we are losing a place that has meaning to alot of people. So if there is somewhere special in your life visit it often and cherish it, because you never know if it's going to be there tomorrow


  1. fuckin a steve....ill always remember the night we got drunk in that fucking place!!!


    1. Haha Jason that was a fun day with Octavio and you
