Thursday, February 21, 2013


Before there was an Internet and Facebook, Discovery Channel and all the other "modern technology" if you wanted to see somethng you had to be there. Trends didn't travel at the speed of light, it would take time for things to catch on and fade. If you wanted to hear a new band you had to go to your local record store and find it, for me it was usually in the import section because the bands I liked were not putting out records in the US. Trends in the way you dressed could be distinguished from town to town, as little as 8 miles was a world away. If it was LA style you were shit out of luck, unless you had family there or visited it was another planet. Car styles have gone through trends, kustoms of the 80's were way different from what you see today, hot rods have evolved and de evolved? and gone back to "TRADITIONAL". 70's 80's Lowrider styles are making a comeback and kustoms are going back to the way they were meant to be. Low Loud Colorful cars that grab your attention, make you want to drive one, be seen in one, to own one. Where will we be in 10 years
Whats the next big thing or does it survive?

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